Helé Anante Wansbury – Instagram account hacked

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Helé Anante Wansbury (19) knows what it takes to overcome hardships and difficult times. However, when her Instagram account was possibly hacked this week, she felt like her world came crashing down. As one of the top 25 influencers of Rooi Rose and a finalist of the Sarie-voorbladgesig competition, she had an active following of more than 28 000 followers on Instagram.

Fitness clothing range with Instagram

Helé, who owns Avanté Clothing and Fitbury in South Africa, built her brands by using inspiration from her own life and communicating it through Instagram to her followers. “Two days ago I couldn’t get into my Instagram. I cannot get through to anyone at Facebook or Instagram and it has not been resolved. It’s as if I never existed.”

Shocked and saddened

She doesn’t know if this has ever happened to anyone else. “I was so shocked and saddened. I earn my income from my Instagram account and I manage all my orders and payments myself.”

Helé is very worried about her clients. “I have more than 20 loyal brands who I support and who support me. I hope they will stick with me through this difficult time until I resolve this issue. I don’t understand what happened and am not sure if someone wanted to hack or harm me.”

Teenage mom and entrepreneur

As a teenage mom of her son, Zayn (almost two), this single mom and entrepreneur knows about hard times. “I had to build my own brand and it’s a huge success. Fitbury and Avanté are both amazing brands that I have such a passion for. Now I will start over to rebuild my brand and I believe the supporters I have will still be there.”

She decided she won’t let anything get her down and can now be found at her new page: https://www.instagram.com/heleanantewansbury

“I hope to see you all there. Say hi to me with the hashtag #heleanantewansbury so I know where to find you!”

The brands she represents:

  • Influencer
  • Gary Rom Hair
  • Kryolan Northern Cape
  • Kelvin Leece Jewelry
  • Nel optometrist
  • Keiro Hair Extensions
  • Ambassador
  • SkinnyTan SA
  • Go Brown Mobile Tanning
  • Hamiltons Gin and Tonic
  • Heart Beet
  • Renew Beauty Clinic
  • Urban Market Stellenbosch
  • Vosk Shoes
  • The shoe page
  • The Hip shop
  • Hashtag the collection
  • Masch
  • Toalla Towels
  • Liv Feminine Care
  • Keamickes Permanent makeup and Aesthetics
  • Instep
  • Mooi Skin Care

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