Betoger op Kakamas in hegtenis

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KAKAMAS – Die polisie op Kakamas het ’n man in verband met die sluiting van die N14-pad gister in hegtenis geneem.

Die gemeenskap het glo kwartsstene onwettig op die plaas van ’n plaaslike boer ontgin. Een verdagte is in hegtenis geneem en grawe-toerusting is gekonfiskeer.

Lees die volledige persverklaring hier:

KIMBERLEY: Police in Kakamas have arrested a male suspect in connection with closing the N14 road earlier today.

The commumity of Luitzburg in Kakamas conducted illegal mining of quartz stones in the farm of a local farmer. The illegal miners did not have permit, hence police intervention. One suspect was arrested and digging equipment was confiscated.

After the arrest, community members went on the rampage and barricaded the N14 road.

The road is currently open and a case against the organisers of the road closure in terms of the Disaster Management Act regulations will be opened.

Police are monitoring the situation.

The arrested suspect is expected to appear before the Kakamas Magistrates court soon pending further police investigations.

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