Country-legende Kris Kristofferson sterf

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Foto: Kris Kristofferson Facebook-blad

INTERNASIONAAL. – Kris Kristofferson (88) wêreldberoemd vir treffers soos Why Me Lord, Me and Bobby McGee, Help Me Make It Through The Night, Sunday Morning Coming Down en vele ander, het Saterdag by sy huis in Maui, Hawaii, gesterf.

Medelye stroom in na sy afsterwe. Die oorsaak van sy dood is nie bekend nie. Hy word deur sy vrou Lisa, agt kinders en sewe kleinkinders oorleef.

Kristofferson se familie het ‘n kort verklaring op sy sosiale media gemaak.

“It is with a heavy heart that we share the news our husband/father/grandfather, Kris Kristofferson, passed away peacefully on Saturday, September 28 at home. We’re all so blessed for our time with him. Thank you for loving him all these many years, and when you see a rainbow, know he’s smiling down at us all.” – The Family of Kris Kristofferson

The family asks for privacy during this time.

Steve Hofmeyr het sy hartseer met Kristofferson se afsterwe uitgespreek:

“I’d trade all my tomorrows for a single yesterday…”

‘n Hartseer dag vir my en baie Country-aanhangers.

Totsiens Kris Kristofferson.

Bronne: BBC Breakfast, Reuters en Fox News

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