Drie in hegtenis vir dwelms

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NOORD-KAAP – Twee mans wat glo dwelms verkoop is gister in hegtenis geneem en Mandrax-tablette met ’n geskatte waarde van R11 000 is gekonfiskeer.

Lees die volledige persverklaring hier:

The Provincial Detective Organised Crime Unit members followed up on information about two seperate houses selling drugs in Galeshewe, Kimberley.

Both houses were raided this morning (31/05) and two male suspects were arrested with 56 full and 10 quarter mandrax  tablets at the first premises. During the second premises , police  arrested another male suspect for the sale of 100 Mandrax tablets. Police also confiscated a substantial amount of cash from the suspect. Total street value of the  mandrax tablets could be about R11 000.

 The suspects should be appearing in the Galeshewe Magistrates Court soon. The investigation continues.

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