Lees ook: Suid-Koreaanse vliegtuig raak aan brand op lughawe
WASHINGTON, VSA. – ’n Vliegtuig van American Airlines en ’n Black Hawk- militêre helikopter, wat op ’n opleidingsvlug was, het gisteraand in Washington gebots.
Die helikopter en die vliegtuig het albei na die botsing in die lug in die Potomac-rivier geval.
Reddingswerkers is op soek na enige oorlewendes, maar nog niemand is lewend gevind nie. Daar word gevrees dat al 64 persone wat op die American Airlines-vlug was, dood is, asook die drie militêre beamptes in die Black Hawk-helikopter.
Die ongeluk sal deur die Nasionale Vervoerveiligheidsraad (NTSB) en Federale Lugvaartadministrasie ondersoek word.
Audio from Reagan Airport confirms American Airlines was cleared to land when authorities warned the Black Hawk of incoming traffic, shortly before the collision occurred.
— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) January 30, 2025
Three soldiers were aboard the Black Hawk, but no senior U.S. officials were present.
The military… pic.twitter.com/PCU31wfANk
🚨Breaking News
— #TheFreeHawaiian (@free_hawaiian) January 30, 2025
Close-up of crash.
This does not look like an accident to me. The helicopter appears to fly horizontally directly into the plane. There does not appear to be any vertical movement by the helicopter. #AmericanAirlines #Blackhawk #planecrash pic.twitter.com/4kzZsMeT2N
Bronne: The Independent, Business Insider, New York Post
Lees ook: Suid-Koreaanse vliegtuig raak aan brand op lughawe