GAUTENG. – Melanie Jackson is op 1 Mei deur haar gewese man in Kensington Johannesburg doodgeskiet.
Women For Change sê Jackson was in Johannesburg vir begrafnisreëlings nadat haar seun Jayden op 29 April weens ‘n ongeluk gesterf het. Sy en haar gewese man het glo in ‘n argument betrokke geraak, waarna sy doodgeskiet is. Hy het daarna die vuurwapen op homself gerig.
Wesley Jackson, Melanie se broer, het geslagsgebaseerde geweld in die land in ‘n plasing op sy Facebook-blad veroordeel.
Candice Lynne Peterson, Jackson se suster, het op die plasing van Women For Change reageer en die volgende gesê:
“She was murdered in front of our mother only… not the rest of the family. He turned the gun on my mother and tried to shoot her too. It jammed and then he fixed it and turned it on himself. We are still coming to terms with this as a family…. When we are ready we will speak. My sister endured so much
Kim Jackson het op dieselfde plasing gesê:
“NEVER did I imagine burying my cousin so young and her having to die in this manner. She had a beautiful funeral service yesterday, not a dry eye in church listening to the tributes made by her sister , niece and daughter. This isn’t my story to tell but when Melanie’s sister and daughter is ready to advocate on this, I will be there! Melanie will have a voice, every woman and girl on this page that has died at the hands of a man will be given a voice. It’s happening too often, everywhere, family members quiet and living in fear, things need to change. Never did I imagine burying this beautiful vibrant soul, my cousin, because she was murdered. “
Nuusflits het polisiekommentaar gevra.
Lees Wesley Jackson se volledige plasing hier onder:
Since we were small you were always my protector. You used to make sure you took me to my class and every break time would always keep and eye on me to make sure no one touches me. Later as we grew up there was many times I came when you called for help. There was many times I stood between you and him with a firearm pointed at us. I protected you. I just wish I could rewind the clock 5 more minutes so I could protect you once again.
There is such a huge gbv problem in this country. You know when you get married to someone that persons becomes your everything. She is your biggest supporter in life. She is a mother to your children. She is the first person to run and take care of you when you are sick. She is by your side through good and bad times. Treat your wife like a queen.
To all them men in this country we blame government for not doing enough but what are we doing as me?. We should not be quiet when our friends or men in our families commit these crimes we should speak out about it to them. We should tell them how wrong it is. We should be doing something about it.
My sister is gone due to gbv and there are many others. I plead with all our men in this country. Be good role models for our young boys. You know growing up I always wanted to be like this uncle or my dad. Today our boys grow up wanting to be like people on social media and TV. We should change this. Be good role models so our boys can grow up knowing how to respect and treat women.
You took my sister away in the most violent way. You finally got right what you have been trying to do for many years. God says you should forgive. I hope God forgives me but I will never ever forgive you.
I love you my sister. Till we meet again one day.