KYK: Vreugde oor Bruinders-babadogter op pad

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Foto's: Twané Paich

Alvin en Anrika Bruinders se vreugde ken geen perke nie. Hulle het Saterdag aangekondig hulle surrogaat is met hulle dogter, Alaska, swanger.

Alvin is alom bekend vir sy rol as Sheridan in Vetkoekpaleis. Anrika was ‘n sangeres. Die egpaar het deur die afgelope jare probeer om met 11 IVF-pogings swanger te raak.

Baba Alaska word in Oktober verwag.

Die egpaar is op 16 Desember 2006 getroud en het ‘n seuntjie. Avrick, die amper nuwe ouboet, het op 19 Februarie as gr. 1-leerder by Laerskool Krugersdorp ‘n interne redenaarskompetisie gewen.

Die volgende sosialemediaplasing het na die paar se vreugdevolle aankondiging gevolg:

A Dream come true!

Haar naam is 🎀Alaska🎀

Meaning Great Land.

She will always be grounded in God!

Dankie aan Almal wat hierdie ongelooflike dag met ons gedeel het!

Dankie aan my man! En my Seun!

Dankie aan ons ouers wat al so baie trane kom droog maak het.

Dankie aan my liefste Natasja Jackson

Wat altyd my prentjes ‘n werklikheid maak!

Leandre Hattingh💝 sonder julle was daar niks 💖 Dankie ook aan jou family wat so Baie opoffer.

Dankie aan PTA Fertility Dr Trauw!

En Dankie vir elkeen se gebede! We all did it together!!

My hart loop oor van dankbaarheid.

Dankie Here vir ons genade!

Avrick. Jy gaan die beste ouboet wees ooit!!

Dankie Liefste Twané Paich Photography vir die pragtige foto’s! 💝💖💝

Ons wil so graag Dankie sê vir elkeen van julle wat saam met ons lag en opgewonde is! Dankie vir elke gebed op ons lewe en ons kleinding!

Julle woorde is ongelooflik kosbaar vir ons! En ons prys die Here vir hierdie oomblik in ons lewe!

Dankie aan My Party Box SA wat altyd my verwagting oortref.

Dankie Twané Paich vir ons pragtige foto’s.

Ek laai binnekort alles.

Gedurende die hoop en hartseer wat op IVF-pogings gevolg het, het Anrika na ses jaar ‘n sosialemediaplasing gemaak wat groot reaksie ontlok het:

Op 16 November 2021

When I did this post a couple of months ago I never intended to ever do IVF again. It hurt too much.

After I posted this, it opened up a world of new friends and women that spoke out about their journey… and suddenly I didn’t feel like the only woman on the planet with infertility problems anymore. I have now started the road to my next appointment on 8 January.

I know it’s hard, but sharing your story might help someone that’s lost… like it helped me!

Busy with JVL Wellness & Lifestyle to get as healthy as possible before I start. Please share this story if you know someone that’s struggling.

This is my story 💖 a lot has changed since I posted this. I’ve put it behind me.. and I’m continuing on my journey to find our 🌈

Looong post alert….


Jip….. the most hated word in my house!

The word that still gives me endless nightmares🔴


I have been through 11 of them, yes it’s not a typo… I have had 11 IVF’s, we could have bought another house with all that money spent.


Don’t even get me started!

It was the worst experience of my entire life! The hope, the endless prayers, the advice from people who think “ go on holiday” you’ll get pregnant then. 🤦🏼‍♀️ If I could get R1 for all the times I heard that! Or “just stop thinking about it then it will happen”

Or even the “men braai talks” let me show you how to do it. And we all laugh awkwardly, but deep down I’m shouting WHY ME???!!!!

The times I struggled with God, over and over and over again. And then another sit in the Dr office after bloods were taken to find out if I’m pregnant or not, and the nurse walks in with her shoulders hanging….. and you instantly start crying because you already know. Your husband that’s trying to support you the best he can, but he is also broken, Shattered, frustrated. Not knowing why us?

Then, I break, I cry, I scream, I go numb all over again. I sit in a dark room feeling sorry for myself and talk hours to the baby that should have been there. I’m in a downward spiral for days on end. Then my husband walks in the room pulls open the curtains and picks me up, “Come babe’s, lets get workin, I love you”! Though Love, that’s what got me through it all, he never allowed me to sink deeper into despair.

It felt like scratching days off a calendar to get to where you want to be, but never getting there.

Mental health🔴

It scars you for life

And somehow, you just move on. You live with it. The pain never goes away. But you make it part of your daily routine. You never forget. You’ll never be the same.

It’s heavy on you.


So if you know someone that’s going for IFV

Love them, pray for them, sit with them, make them a cup of coffee and hug them. They are falling apart silently. Just love them!

To all my 11 IFV babies. You are loved deeply!

This took me 6 years to say. #ivf#ivfjourney#ivfwarrior#ivfsupport

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