‘Vermy versprei van vals inligting’ vra polisie na man doodgeskiet is

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Foto: Technical High School Kimberley Facebook-blad

NOORD-KAAP. – Die polisie in die provinsie vra die publiek om nie vals inligting te versprei nie, nadat ‘n man by die ingang van ‘n kompleks in ‘n voertuig doodgeskiet is. Jayson Afrique (28) het in die aanval gesterf, maar sy vrou Micayla het oorleef.

Lt.kol. Sergio Kock sê nog geen inhegtenisnemings is gemaak nie, maar Kimberley se eenheid vir ernstige en geweldsmisdade ondersoek die moord en poging tot moord.

Enigiemand met inligting word versoek om speur.AO Thabang Kamolane by 082 302 0407 te bel.

Nuusflits het voorheen soos volg berig:

‘n Man (28) is Woensdagaand omstreeks 21:00 in Newpark, Kimberley, doodgeskiet toe hy en sy vrou (27) by die hek van hulle kompleks wou inry.

Lt.kol. Sergio Kock sê die egpaar het in hulle wit Toyota Hilux-bakkie by die hek stilgehou om in te ry toe ‘n onbekende verdagte hulle genader en verskeie skote na die bakkie geskiet het. Die man is doodgeskiet.

Die polisie ondersoek sake van moord en poging tot moord.

Enigiemand met inligting oor die insident word gevra om AO Thabang Kamolaneb by 082 302 0407 te bel.

Technical High School Kimberley het die volgende boodskap op sosiale media gedeel:

Our Tekkie family is shrouded in absolute grief and sorrow today. It is with unspeakable sadness and shock that we announce the tragic and untimely passing of our beloved, former learner, Jayson Afrique, Class of 2013.

We are truly at a loss for words. “Jowa” as he was affectionately known, was a wonderful, quietly naughty, popular learner, with the warmest, kindest, gentlest soul. He was exceptionally polite, humble and respectful and so loved by his teachers and learners alike. He was an invaluable member of the First Hockey Team, where he showcased his skills as a fantastic goalie and was just an all-round, salt-of-the-earth, great young man, with a heart of gold.

The only thing that Jayson loved more than cars, motorcycles and fishing, was his beautiful family. The Afriques’ will always have a special connection to our school as Jayson’s two brothers are also former Tekkies, great young men in their own right.

It all still feels so unreal. Death is never easy but the death of a young person, so full of life and love, is especially heartbreaking and traumatic. There was so much future and so much possibility that is now forever gone. This beautiful young life, full of promise, has ended in the horrific blink of an eye and we are left reeling in shock and confusion.

On behalf of the entire Tekkie staff, we would like to extend our sincerest condolences to Jayson’s parents, Vaughn and Sonia, his brothers, Wesley and Dillon, his lovely wife Micayla and the rest of his family and friends. Our hearts ache with yours.

Rest easy our Jowa, you are home now, precious boy. Burn some rubber up there in heaven for us and catch all the biggest fish you can with all the angels. May your beautiful soul rest in perfect peace. You will stay in our hearts forever and ever, we love you.💙🌹

Dexteritas Cum Cultura 👟💙👟💙

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