Does size matter when it comes to your TV?

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When buying a TV, one of the biggest questions is: does size matter? The answer depends on several factors, including room size, viewing distance and personal preferences. Let’s explore how TV size impacts your viewing experience and share some fun facts along the way.

A bigger TV can make your favourite shows and movies feel more immersive. However, it’s crucial to match the TV size to your room. Sitting too close to a large screen can strain your eyes, while a small TV in a big room may feel underwhelming.

Experts suggest a simple formula: the viewing distance should be about 1.5 to 2.5 times the diagonal size of the TV screen. For example, if you have a 55-inch TV, you should sit around 7 to 12 feet away for the best experience.

Did you know the largest TV available for consumers is a whopping 325 inches? Made by LG, it’s called the LG Direct View LED and costs more than a luxury car! While this may not fit in most homes, it’s fun to imagine watching a movie on a screen that size.

While larger TVs are popular, smaller TVs have their charm, especially for bedrooms or kitchens. They consume less power, are easier to install and are more budget-friendly

Choosing the right TV size is about balancing your space and viewing habits.

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