Daniel Williams (37), bekende restauranteienaar van die Occidental Bar, by die Groot Gat, is onverwags op 10 Februarie oorlede. Sy pa Mike het vanmiddag op Facebook bevestig dat Daniel aan ‘n massiewe hartaanval oorlede is.
”As most of the people reading this will know by now my eldest son, Daniel, passed away on Sunday 10th February from a massive heart attack. This was obviously a huge shock to his entire family. I would like to thank each and every one of you who called, messaged, came around to the house or supported us in so many ways. We as a family are truly humbled and grateful for your help and support. The outpouring of pure love and affection from the people he touched throughout his life gives us comfort and will continue to help us through the difficult times ahead. It impossible for us to reply to each and every message but please know that we appreciate each and every one of them. Its not going to be easy to carry on – but carry on we will, the legacy he left behind will never die”
Medelye het op sosiale media ingestroom nadat dit aan die lig gekom het dat Daniel oorlede is.
Dit is duidelik dat Daniel ‘n groot impak op mense gehad het nadat ‘n stampvol kerk van Daniel kom afskeid neem het by die Bikers Church in Kimberley op die 15de Februarie.
Daniel se roudiens is afgesluit met video’s en foto’s van sy kinderjare tot nou met een van sy gunstelingliedjies, Thunderstruck van AC/DC, wat saggies in die agtergrond gespeel het.

Daniel en sy pa, Mike