Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Reeks – Jy soek n Land Cruiser want jy wil een he!

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There is nothing that can be said to convince you to buy a Toyota Land Cruiser – The argument is simple, Either you want one or you don’t…

Toyota has upgraded its 70 Series with a new powertrain, Some retro styling, and New Technology

Let us just get the facts straight, the Upgraded new Toyota still has that Iconic Land Cruiser DNA – It is a pleasure to drive on and off-road, Yes the interior has minor upgrades – The New infotainment system is more modern but other than that there is still much more of the older version, The Side mirrors need to be manually adjusted, Seats has normal cloth and the Rest is Old School – you still have your old nostalgic aircon system (when you grew up in the 80’s you would know exactly what it is) – and that in a way bring some childhood memories I think for a lot of People.

Don’t get me wrong – In a world of technology with Vehicles having all sorts of driving aids and new technology this is not up there but it is still such a pleasure to drive

The new 2.8 – Litre Four Cylinder Turbo Diesel is pushing out 150 KW with 500 NM of torque and that easy-shifting 6-speed Auto Box is a real pleasure to drive

with the 130 Litre Fuel Tank, you can go anywhere.

Pricing starts from around R 990 000.00 with 3 year / 100 000 KM warranty

The Market is probably more concentrated on the Off-Road enthusiast – Then again my wife loves this due the the older technology, so maybe there is something more to it than the bigger brothers – Time will tell and I sure enjoyed driving this around and People still stopping to take a look and a picture – So don’t just judge the “older” dogs – Maybe make some friends with it first because it will impress you.

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